Type 1 Ultrapure Water On Demand.
The Alto™ ultrapure water system is a complete, pre-engineered system designed to provide Type 1 water that can be dispensed from an integral dispenser gun or via a remote dispenser gun.
This compact Type 1 water system can be fed from a Geno, Puro or existing ringman/RO system. This range of bench-top or wall mounted water systems are specifically designed to save laboratory space while providing high-quality water that exceeds all reagent water quality standards through its state-of-the-art water purification technology.
Alto™ provides 18.2MΩ-cm water on demand. The systems are fed from a pre-treated supply and produce Type 1 water instantly as required. The integrated dispenser or optional remote dispenser provides Type 1 water at up to 2 liters per minute. The output is either continuous or volumetrically dispensed. Select the dispense rate required with the intuitive and simple software controls.
Type 1 Water Applications
The Alto™ is suitable for Type 1 water usage of up to 120 litres per hour (adequate feed water must be available). Ultrapure Type 1 water should be reserved for demanding experiments that are sensitive to any ionic contamination, dissolved gases, organics and life science applications that depend on the additional removal of nucleases and pyrogens. These include:
- Molecular biology
- Electrochemistry
- Critical Cell and Tissue Culture
- Analytical Chemistry
- DNA Sequencing
- Genomics
- Proteomics
- Immunology
- Pharmacology
- Any Other Sensitive Applications
Does it sound interesting? Feel free to contact us if you have any questions about the Alto™ ultrapure water system.