Steam distillation system Gerhardt LAB Denmark

Kjeldahl distillation systems

Kjeldahl method is the standard application for the determination of nitrogen or protein content in reference analytics. The method is being used in a number of industries, from the agriculture sector and environmental laboratories to the pharmaceutical and food industries, laboratories determine the nitrogen/protein content with the method acc. to Kjeldahl.

In order to meet the requirements of laboratories of all sizes with their various analytical challenges C. Gerhardt has developed the Vapodest -Series of automatic steam distillation systems. The portfolio for Kjeldahl begins with classic distillation apparatus, continues with Vapodest units with an advancing degree of automation and extends to complete automation with the Vapodest 500 C.

Do not hesitate to contact us if you need help or have questions.

Vapodest 500
Vapodest 500 LAB Denmark

Vapodest 500

High-throughput steam distillation system for precise nitrogen analysis.

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Vapodest 500 C
Vapodest 500c

Vapodest 500 C

Fully automatic distillation system with autosampler for efficient series analysis.

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