Safety T-line – test cabinets

Safety T-line – test cabinets

Explosion-proof cabinets for hazardous material testing and storage.

The RUMED® Safety T-Line offers a variable program of cold/heat and environmental test cabinets with explosion-proof test chambers for zone 1. Choose from 5 sizes and a multitude of options.

The units of the Safety T-Line are suitable for safe storage of explosive materials, such as aerosols, or for tests with adhesives or paint – even if the storage tests might occasionally or temporary cause an explosive atmosphere. Development of a permanent or long-term explosive atmosphere must be avoided by means of the option Technical Ventilation. The units are suitable for storage of material of the temperature classes T1, T2 and T3 of explosion group IIA, IIB and IIC. All appliances of the T-Line have successfully passed a demanding type examination according to annex III of the ATEX 2014/34/EU. RUMED® is a manufacturer of explosion-proof equipment being certified according to ISO 80079-34. This involves periodical inspections (audits) by a notified authority and a highly effective quality management system of worldwide importance.

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