innuMIX qPCR MasterMix Probe

Probe-based real-time PCR mix.

Ready-to-use master mix for use in probe-based, real-time PCR.

Product Details

  • Includes innuTaq Hot-A DNA Polymerase and high-quality dNTPs in a 2x formulation
  • Simple, well-established handling combined with superior reproducibility
  • Excellent PCR efficiency and slope
  • Ideal for most commercially available real-time PCR instruments

innuMIX qPCR MasterMix Probe has been developed for fast, highly reproducible, real-time PCR and validated on the most common real-time instruments. The master mix can be readily combined with an extremely wide variety of probe systems, including TaqMan and rehybridization probes. By delivering the perfect combination of the latest chemistry and PCR enhancer developments with a hot-start Taq DNA polymerase, this product allows researchers to achieve highly specific, ultrasensitive, real-time PCR results. Plus, it also significantly reduces the time required to prepare the qPCR batch, while making the process radically easier to handle. Users now only need to add the template, probes and primers to the reaction, followed by enough water (suitable for real-time PCR) to produce the final volume-prep work that can readily be carried out at room temperature.

The concentration of MgCl2 in the master mix is already ideal, eliminating the need to add any more.



2x Master Mix

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