FIJI measures FAME in aviation fuel.

The patented Fame In Jet Instrument (FIJI) offers a rapid and easy check on parts per million (ppm or mg/kg) levels of FAME in aviation fuel.

FIJI uniquely utilises state of the art Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR) technology and a patented sample preparation system which allows FAME detection accuracy down to the 10 mg/kg level.

FIJI can be used as a field or lab based screening tool to give a quick indication of possible FAME contamination that may then require further investigation. The instrument helps to prevent expensive testing and avoid costly delays of fuel release.

A Multi-Product version of FIJI is available to measure Distillate & Residual Fuels as well as Jet – SA5200-0

If you are an existing user of FIJI Jet, you can upgrade to enable measurement of FAME in Distillate & Residual Fuels in accordance with ASTM D7963 using SA5050-0

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