Biometra Horizon Family
Biometra Horizon Family
Agarose gel electrophoresis systems.
Biometra Horizon Family – Agarose Gel Electrophoresis Systems in Three Standard Sizes
Product Details
The well-established Biometra Horizon Family includes three different chamber sizes. All of them excel in their compact user-friendly construction. The safety interlock lid prevents an electrical connection until the lid is properly in place. Gel casting works very fast with patented drop-in dams and can be done either directly in the electrophoresis device or in an external gel casting system. Red visualisation strips under the gel trays aid in sample loading. The medium and large format systems Horizon 11•14 and Horizon 20•25 additionally offer a special equipment to perform Southern and Nothern capillary blotting.
Biometra Horizon 58 is developed for the rapid separation of nucleic acids in agarose mini-gels. Casting components that withstand boiling agarose temperatures and the removable buffer tray for easy cleaning make the Horizon 58 the system of choice for rapid routine use. For storage combs and gel casting dams can easily be placed in the electrophoresis unit. A separate casting system is available and comes ready-to-cast with gel tray and casting dams.
Biometra Horizon 11•14 and Biometra Horizon 20•25 have adjustable levelling feet and a bull’s eye level to ensure uniform gel thickness for reproducible separation patterns. The gel trays are UV transparent and thus can be directly placed with gel on an UV table for visualisation. Both models have ports for buffer recirculation, e.g. for RNA electrophoresis.
The Biometra Horizon 58 and BiometraHorizon 11•14 casting systems come complete with gel tray and casting dams. The Biometra Horizon 11•14 casting system can be levelled by four levelling feet. For the Horizon 58 casting system an additonal casting/levelling tray is available.
Don´t hesitate to contact us if you have any questions. We are always happy to answer.