AvCount – Particle Counter
AvCount – Particle Counter
Stanhope-Seta particle counters measure fuel cleanliness.
Stanhope-Seta has several models of particle counters that are adapted according to international standards: eg ISO, NAS, GOST, ASTM, DEF STAN, SAE, IP, GJB.
Stanhope-Seta’s AvCount particle counter provides reliable results in determining the size and distribution of particles in light and medium distilled fuels, including aviation fuel and kerosene, biodiesel, low viscosity oils and lubricants and hydraulic oils. The simple operation of the particle counters allows simple and fast analyzes of samples in vessels, or as on-line, with response times of less than 3 minutes – with a small sample volume.
AvCount instruments show accumulated values, particles / ml and purity according to ISO 4406. With the latest model of particle counter (AvCount3) from Stanhope-Seta, it is possible to save up to 500,000 results in the internal memory – or transfer to PC / laptop. It is also possible to print the results via the instrument’s internal printer

Thomas Røll