
Webinar: TOC/TNb Analysis of Wastewater

Did you know that you can save 17,000 EUR per year simply by choosing the right parameter for your wastewater analysis? By measuring organic contamination via TOC/TNb (total organic carbon and total bound nitrogen) with a TOC/TNb-analyzer of the multi N/C x300 series, you work without costly and hazardous reagent kits and obtain your results in 10 minutes. You can easily convert your results into COD/BOD5 if necessary.

And with the right fully automated analyzer, there won’t be any clogging or carryover. Join our supplier Analutik Jenas webinar “TOC/TNb Analysis of Wastewater” on September 18 to find out more!

Date: September 18, 2024
Time: 9 AM and 4 PM

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