AAS (2)

Atomic Absorption Spectrometry

Unlocking the Power of Atomic Absorption Spectrometry

Discover a wide range of atomic absorption spectrometry instruments designed to meet the diverse needs of laboratories. Whether you’re running routine single-element analysis or exploring the depths of trace analysis, we have the perfect solution for you.

novAA 800 Series:

The novAA 800 series offers high-quality entry-level instruments that are perfect for fully automatic single-element and sequential multi-element analysis in routine laboratories. These instruments are your reliable choice for consistent results.

ZEEnit Series with Zeeman Background Correction:

Our ZEEnit series, featuring Zeeman background correction of the third generation, is tailored for trace analysis, especially in the graphite furnace. Expect precision and accuracy in your trace element analysis.

contrAA 800 with HR-CS AAS Technology:

Take your analysis to the next level with the contrAA 800. It boasts unique HR-CS AAS technology, offering unmatched flexibility in element selection and data evaluation. Achieve fast-sequential multi-element analysis with ease.

mercur DUO plus for Mercury Analysis:

When it comes to mercury analysis, we’ve got you covered. Our dedicated analyzer, mercur DUO plus, utilizes AAS and AFS (Atomic Fluorescence Spectrometry) for accurate mercury determination. Trust in its precision.

Whether you are a routine laboratory or an advanced research facility, our atomic absorption spectrometry instruments are here to deliver the accuracy and performance you demand.

Explore the possibilities with atomic absorption spectrometry – choose the right instrument for your analytical needs.

contrAA 800
contrAA (1)

contrAA 800

Powerful, efficient multielement AAS device.

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novAA 800
novAA-800 (1)

novAA 800

High-performance, cost-effective AAS analyser.

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ZEEnit Series
Zeenit (1)

ZEEnit Series

Advanced spectrometers with versatile capabilities.

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