Setaflash Series – Flash Point Tester
Setaflash Series – Flash Point Tester
Setaflash Series measures liquid flash points.
Stanhope-Seta offers several different models of flash point instruments, within the Setaflash series. The Setaflash series consists of the Setaflash Series 3 and Setaflash Series 8 instruments.
The instruments are robust, easy to handle and are designed to comply with all international standards / methods. The versatile range of Setaflash instruments is suitable for use in the laboratory, at the production line or for portable tests in the field. With temperature ranges from -30 ° C up to 300 ° C, the most demanding tests can be performed.
Characteristic of the Series 3 and Series 8 instruments is that they require a small sample volume (usually only 2 ml) and perform flash point tests quickly.
Setaflash Series 3
Setaflash Series 3 ActiveCool provides fast and reliable flash point results and requires minimum operator expertise. It has been designed to rapidly and efficiently carry out Flash / No Flash tests to determine the flash point of liquids and semi-solids in the 10 to 135 °C temperature range.
• Compliance
• Safety
• Product quality
• 2 ml of sample and a result in less than 2 minutes
Designed for precise and accurate tests, barometric pressure is measured by an internal barometer and correction is automatically applied to the test result. Unknown samples can be tested using ramp mode.
Setaflash Series 3 ActiveCool has a very simple user interface with colour digital display and touch screen icons which guide the operator through a straightforward testing process. For easy record keeping the instrument stores 100,000 test results which can be saved and transferred via a USB port.
Do you have any questions about the Setaflash series? Do not hesitate to contact us.

Thomas Røll