PME Food DNA Kit (Manual)

Extraction results in high-quality DNA and eliminates inhibitory substances.

Product Details

  • Based on innovative Polymer-Mediated Enrichment Technology
  • One kit for both solid and liquid food samples
  • Appropriate for isolation from processed food samples
  • High yields from up to 100 mg starting material

When it comes to food analyses reliable and highly efficient DNA extraction from respective food samples lays the foundation of the generation of valid results. The PME Food DNA Extraction Kit has been specially developed for the simple and rapid isolation of DNA from liquid as well as solid food samples such as milk, milk powder, juices, wine, various flours, meat, chocolate, bread, and many more. It is based on the innovative technology called PME – Polymer Mediated Enrichment. Free DNA from liquid samples is captured by a polymer after protein digestion. Both the polymer-DNA complex and other intact cells are then pelleted by centrifugation and dissolved in lysis buffer. This workflow guarantees maximum yield of cell-free DNA frequently present in processed food products. In contrast, solid food samples are directly dissolved in lysis buffer before DNA is purified based on spin filters. Thanks to the optimized chemistry of lysis and binding buffer critical food samples such as chocolate and tomato paste can be processed easily and minimize the presence of inhibitory substances within the eluate. Thus, DNA purification by the PME Food DNA Extraction Kit offers ideal conditions for the successful implementation of downstream applications such as PCR-based food authenticity testing.


Starting material

  • Fluid and water-soluble food samples such as milk, milk powder, juice, wine, flour (up to 1 mL)
  • Solid food samples, processed food, such as meat, sausage, chocolate, bread (up to 100 mg)

Average yield

  • Depending on sample quality/quantity

Extraction time

  • Fluid samples: ca. 2,5 h
  • Solid samples: ca. 2 h

Average purity

Depending on sample quality, 1.6 – 2.0

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